Piper Michael Collins - Best witness

Author : Piper Michael Collins (Piper Michael Bernard)
Title : Best witness The Mel Mermelstein affair and the triumph of Historical revisionism
Year : 1994

Link download : Piper_Michael_Collins_-_Best_witness.zip

Introduction by Mark Lane. For almost five decades I have attempted to set the record straight in any number of matters and thus I have become entangled in controversy. Some of those efforts have had international ramifications; responding to the false assertion by the United States government beginning in 1963 that its president had been murdered by a solitary madman. Some had but local consequences; exposing the unjust imprisonment and brutal treatment imposed upon children by the state at a "school" for "mental defectives" at a place called Wassaic, New York, a decade earlier. Not being prescient I was never armed before tilting at each windmill of the state with knowledge as to my chance for success, even measuring victory by the minimal standard of convincing a few that there might be some substance in my argument worthy of examination – or at least that although I said those things I was almost certainly certifiably sane. In early 1964 a happy ending predicated upon even so cleverly biased a barometer, seemed illusory. There I stood alone proclaiming the troubling facts, shouting the mandatory questions almost silently into a government and media created windstorm of abuse, ridicule and disinformation. Some years later almost everyone agreed with me and added that they always had. For some many years publishers would not print my books, colleges canceled contracts for me to lecture, radio and television stations excluded me from their interview programs, some issued an edict "barring" me "for life." In time those loyal executives have left, some voluntarily seeking the good life elsewhere, some have been ousted in a coup others in a less violent manner simply died. I have surfaced once again on their stations and programs with still more inconvenient matters to place on the agenda resulting in further executive proclamations of fealty to the throne and my subsequent, but almost immediate, dismissal from the debate. Therefore, wounded, scarred, a little tired, but neither exhausted nor discouraged and still eager both to see things as they are and dream of how they might be changed, I learned to approach with some care each new potential conflict against an enemy possessing the seemingly mutually exclusive attributes of quasi-omnipotence and invisibility. This latest chapter begins in 1945 when Willis Carto and I both worked in an organization committed to the overthrow of governments by the use of force and violence. It was the United States Army, World War II was raging, and Willis and I were not to meet, or even know of each other until four more decades had passed. We each served honorably in the military, each were discharged honorably; Willis having served with a bit more distinction, was awarded the Purple Heart, a decoration originating with George Washington. He was in the Far East theater, while I served in the European theater. How entertaining our euphemistically inclined generals made it all seem at the time. During 1946 on furlough from the Army of Occupation while stationed near Hitler's hometown, Linz, Austria, I drove to Dachau. The curator of the establishment showed me some cells, pointed to the gas chambers where hundreds of thousands had been executed, and explained that a debt was owed by the democracies to the few Jews who had survived. I brought no engineering degree to the concentration camp. I was still a teenager who had entered the army immediately after having been graduated from high school and my skepticism regarding official pronouncements in general had not as yet been finely honed upon the stone of repeated government falsification. I left Germany to return to my headquarters outfit in Austria, a pilgrim, one more witness to the fact that hundreds of thousands of prisoners had been gassed to death in Dachau. Through the time machine known as the writer's prerogative we move swiftly forward into the mid 1980's. Do not scoff at this device; if applied appropriately it can save you countless hours of tiresome plodding. Readers of Plausible Denial will know the details surrounding my meeting with Willis Carto and Liberty Lobby. It will suffice for others to know that I was retained to represent that organization when E. Howard Hunt brought an action against it for defamation. It seemed he denied that he had been involved in the assassination of President Kennedy. ...

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