Tag - Ethnography

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Monday 8 April 2013

Pearson Roger - Blood Groups and Race

Author : Pearson Roger Title : Blood Groups and Race Year : 1959 Link download : Pearson_Roger_-_Blood_Groups_and_Race.zip AN INTRODUCTION TO ETHNOLOGY. Although decades of research into the origins and classification of human races have accumulated a coherent adge extremely well-integrated body of  […]

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Nott Josiah Clark - Indigenous Races of the Earth

Author : Nott Josiah Clark Title : Indigenous Races of the Earth Year : 1868 Link download : Nott_Josiah_Clark_-_Indigenous_Races_of_the_Earth.zip Or, New Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry; Including Monographs on Special Departments of philology, iconography, cranioscopy, palaeontology, pathology,  […]

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Sunday 9 December 2012

Letourneau Charles - Sociology based upon ethnography

Author : Letourneau Charles Title : Sociology based upon ethnography Year : 1898 Link download : Letourneau_Charles_-_Sociology_based_upon_ethnography.zip Social Science has never been so much talked about as in our own times. We all know now that the life of human societies, like everything else,  […]

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Letourneau Charles - Property : its origin and development

Author : Letourneau Charles Title : Property : its origin and development Year : 1892 Link download : Letourneau_Charles_-_Property_its_origin_and_development.zip My inspiration for this book, as for earlier volumes, has been drawn from that fruitful method which alone, I believe, can throw light  […]

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