Tag - The Earth Chronicles

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Saturday 10 March 2012

Sitchin Zecharia - The End of Days Armageddon and the Prophecies of the Return

Author : Sitchin Zecharia Title : The End of Days Armageddon and the Prophecies of the Return The 7th and Concluding Book of The Earth Chronicles Year : 2007 Link download : Sitchin_Zecharia_-_The_End_of_Days.zip PREFACE: THE PAST, THE FUTURE “When will they return?” I have been asked this question  […]

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Sitchin Zecharia - The Cosmic Code

Author : Sitchin Zecharia Title : The Cosmic Code Book VI of The Earth Chronicles Year : 1998 Link download : Sitchin_Zecharia_-_The_Cosmic_Code.zip STAR STONES. It took a war — a fierce and bloody war—to bring to light, just decades ago, one of the most enigmatic ancient sites in the Near East. If  […]

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Sitchin Zecharia - When Time Began

Author : Sitchin Zecharia Title : When Time Began Startling documented proof of the extraterrestrial gods who changed the course of human development Book V of The Earth Chronicles Year : 1993 Link download : Sitchin_Zecharia_-_When_Time_Began.zip FOREWORD. Since the earliest times, Earthlings have  […]

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Sitchin Zecharia - The Lost Realms

Author : Sitchin Zecharia Title : The Lost Realms Book IV of The Earth Chronicles Year : 1990 Link download : Sitchin_Zecharia_-_The_Lost_Realms.zip FOREWORD. In the annals of Europe the discovery of the New World bears the imprint of El Dorado—the relentless search for gold. But little did the  […]

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Sitchin Zecharia - The Wars of Gods and Men

Author : Sitchin Zecharia Title : The Wars of Gods and Men Startling documentary of the evidence of the extraterrestrial warlords who destroyed ancient civilization Book III of The Earth Chronicles Year : 1985 Link download : Sitchin_Zecharia_-_The_Wars_of_Gods_and_Men.zip FOREWORD. Long before man  […]

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Sitchin Zecharia - The Stairway to Heaven

Author : Sitchin Zecharia Title : The Stairway to Heaven Book II of The Earth Chronicles Year : 1980 Link download : Sitchin_Zecharia_-_The_Stairway_to_Heaven.zip In Search of Paradise. There was a time—our ancient scriptures tell us—when Immortality was within the grasp of Mankind. A golden age it  […]

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Sitchin Zecharia - The 12th Planet

Author : Sitchin Zecharia Title : The 12th Planet Book I of The Earth Chronicles Year : 1978 Link download : Sitchin_Zecharia_-_The_12th_Planet.zip GENESIS. THE PRIME SOURCE for the biblical verses quoted in The Twelfth Planet is the Old Testament in its original Hebrew text. It must be borne in  […]

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